Health and Wellness Initiatives
The SHE Foundation, Inc. includes not only education and scholarship awards, but also supports community health and wellness initiatives through education, advocacy, mentoring, and leadership development. We believe a successful life begins with education and good health. Under our health initiative we support agencies that specifically deal with women and family health issues. Check in with us each month for health related information from our own Dr. Tamika Bush!
At this time of uncertainty with the Coronavirus leading some to panic, worry, anxiety and fear of themselves and for loved ones. Remember that keeping your body healthy involves a whole-body approach ... mind, body and spirit. Keeping yourself and your loved ones calm is the best way to keep the immune system healthy and in its best state to fight off infection.
Remember stress causes the body to release cortisol a stress hormone that can also lead to an effect on your immune system to not work at its peak which may also impact your health. So Everyone Please:
🦠Stay calm even amidst the chaos , try to eat a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables and get adequate sleep 7-8 hrs minimum for overall body self-healing.
🦠Remember to wash your hands for at least 20-30 seconds and/or use a 60% alcohol based sanitizer.
🦠Limit your consumption of sugar and starchy foods- studies show sugars decrease our wbc’s ability to fight back infection for up to 5 hours after ingestion.
🦠Increase your vitamin D3 intake ... to boost your immune system Many individuals are deficient and may not know it. Can only check via blood test from your health care provider.
🦠Be pro-active about practicing social distancing and be socially responsible !! Therefore limit exposure to large events with large crowds until more is known in your area about the spread of the virus.
🦠There is concern of shedding of the virus even days before you start to show symptoms so if you have any suspicion that you may have been around someone positive for the virus or traveled to an endemic area please self quarantine to protect others. Notify your nearest medical hospital or state health department for further instructions. The virus appears to cause more serious disease in the elderly greater than 50 years of age with other medical conditions along with any individual that has an immunocompromised state such as cancer/hiv etc.
Important websites to stay updated:
Johns Hopkins Global Coronavirus Tracking Database👇🏽\bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6
❤️💜remember together we can and we will get through this. Blessings and wellness 🌸Dr Tamika